Monday, July 22, 2013

Busy week!

I haven't really had a chance to blog in the last week - isn't that amazing!?
We just ended a great weekend with my parents visiting. My daughter had a fabulous time with them and had a grin plastered on her face for the entire 48 hours! They played, danced, sang and read books to her. They are such amazing supporters of my marriage to my husband that they took our daughter BOTH night they were here and allowed us two much needed date nights! It was great!
The only problem with date nights is that there aren't too many options for paleo-friendly meals so we ended up eating not so well at both restaurants we went to. Sushi the first night and Italian the second. But in the end it was incredible to simply spend time alone with my husband. We were able to just look at each other and have some conversations that were needed and required focus - which one does not have when at home with an almost 2 year old! :)
But today we are back on track with our meals and trying to get some semblance of a routine back in order. The late nights of the weekend which led to later morning and later naps are now a bit of a struggle, but my daughter naps now while I write and listen to beautiful worship piano music. Today has been a bit of a rough morning - it always is after the difference in routine. After having all the playful attention of her grandparents and not paying much attention to me the entire weekend, now that they are gone, she is wanting my undivided attention and wants me to play with her nonstop. Either that or she wants me to hold her while she nurses.
I am trying to balance getting things back in order - laundry, food prep, work on the computer - with giving her the attention and love that she's wanting today.
At least I'm getting these few moments to blog and reflect.
We've been doing fairly well with our food, as I said, and awesome where it comes to no tv or movies. We don't really even miss it! I'm a bit worried about how we re-introduce it...or if we do at all! I'm enjoying this intentional time with my family and don't want to give it up. We are doing things that are fun and active and I'm loving it.
So that's all I have for now...maybe more will come to me - but overall I'm enjoying actually LIVING life and will continue to do so ;)

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