Wednesday, July 24, 2013

So good to me...

As we've journeyed through these few weeks, overhauling our lives, I have found that relationships are tough work!
The relationships on TV seem to just work themselves out. In the movies they live happily ever after. But in this life, in real life things are tough and they don't just work themselves out.
As we've been out and about more, investing in this world, in real life relationships there are many opportunities for misunderstandings. For people changing their minds. For plans changing.
And then you factor in the whole world of social media. Aye-ya-yay! Misunderstandings abound and feelings are hurt. People react out of what they perceive, which can lead to even more hurt.
As a recent administrator for our neighborhood watch group on Facebook I've seen these misunderstandings come up and I've seen people deal with them poorly and well. It's amazing how caddy grown adults can become! Social media is an interesting thing and my husband and I are processing how to best make it work for our family without getting overwhelmed by all its content.
Today I read an amazing article which words so well my thoughts, feelings and experiences on Facebook and probably for most others as well:
What words of wisdom! To dwell on what is good, true, lovely, excellent, praiseworthy - I need to be reminded to think on these things!
Just today I had such a misunderstanding that caused a friend to withdraw from me and while I am so thankful that she came and shared with me, now I have found myself deeply wounded. I wanted to throw Facebook out of the window completely this afternoon as I wrestled with my feelings and my hurt. That someone that I love so dearly with whose friendship I cherish could misunderstand and consider me to be someone who I am not, with motives so petty, that injured my heart. I was embarrassed. I still am embarrassed. As I apologized and she forgave and wants to move forward, I continue to wrestle - how do I do this thing called social media without misunderstanding? What do I share and what do I hold back? Who is my audience and who do I want it to be?
For awhile now I've said that we primarily post photos and stories on Facebook for the purpose of our out-of-town family to keep up on our lives, to see our daughter grow and develop, and to stay in touch with them and their stories and lives.
So who are all these other people? And why is it, after my long and fulfilling day having coffee with a sweet friend, going to the pool with another, meeting new neighbors and walking through our neighborhood, that I get on Facebook toward the end of my day and feel utterly lonely? Like I'm being left out? Like my friends don't need me in their lives? Like my life is incomplete?
I honestly don't have an answer. Tonight after crying and talking with my faithful husband we read truth from the Word, sang songs of praise and fun with our daughter and enjoyed a meal, we continue on.
We press on to think about what is true, good, lovely, excellent, praiseworthy. To fix our eyes on Jesus and move forward.

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