Thursday, July 11, 2013

Tough Day

I didn't get to write yesterday and it was a bit of a tough one, I'll admit.
So today is Day 4 of our Life Overhaul and here's where we're at:
Food: We're eating awesome and feeling pretty good. I am going through a bit of caffeine withdrawal and was craving a Starbucks Tuxedo (half white chocolate mocha half mocha) or a McDonald's chocolate chip frappé yesterday. Heck let's be honest I'm still craving them a bit. With my daughter's monster eye teeth coming in at the same time we're not getting the best sleep and we're feeling it!
But I held strong yesterday and tried my hand at making my own iced coffee drink. So I did a quick search online for a Paleo coconut mocha iced coffee drink and tried one that looked good. I brewed my decaf K-cup in my Keurig, added about 1 cup of coconut milk, 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa and 1 tablespoon of honey. I stirred it all together, added some ice and wa-la! An iced coffee drink.
It wasn't awful, but using honey as a sweetener takes some getting used to. Today I think I'll try it with 100% maple syrup instead...
Otherwise it's been a joy to gather my family together for a meal each evening where we can pray, connect and talk about our days. I've been packing my husband's lunch for work and eating either leftovers or similar lunches at home from what I pack for him. He's been feeling good.
TV: Honestly, my husband and I have been having withdrawal's from watching TV. We both admit to missing the characters and storyline on Heartland - how sad! Fictional characters with fake lives and we miss following them! I suppose my daughter is having slight withdrawal herself as she does ask for Pooh-Bear, Barney and Tinkerbell on occasion. But it is getting less! My desire, and it seems her desire, to watch TV is lessening by the day which I find fabulous! In the evenings instead of watching TV we've gone for a walk one night, a bike ride the second night, and last night we sat in our backyard and my husband and I talked and read while our daughter played in her wading pool (yes it is hot enough at 8 o'clock to be in a pool!). It was nice to just relax together and my husband was thrilled to have time to actually read!
What I need to watch is my time spent on the computer. I was having such a nice day yesterday...until I went on Facebook. The drama that some people create and the petty arguments put me in a pretty depressed mood. I got sucked in, which is why I missed out on my chance to write on this blog while my daughter napped. Waste of a nap time and I learned from it for sure!
Daytime activities: My daughter and I have kept busy for sure! We've kept a good balance of going out to run errands, play with friends, and be at home to do housework and prepare meals. I've worked hard to plan for our mornings to be out and about, but to be home by 12:30 or 1 for her to nap. So far so good. Today we'll be out for most of the day, so we'll see how her napping works out!
And finally here's a photo of our evening in the backyard last night - eating homemade popsicles that were awesome and Paleo! Made with bananas, cocoa, almond butter and some other ingredients that I'm sure I'm forgetting ;)

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