Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week One Down!

Although missed blogging the past few days, we've made it to the end of our first week of our Life Overhaul! How did we do? Pretty well overall!
Our time has been spent doing tons of fun things and truly just enjoying life. Today, for example, instead of plopping in front of the tv for hours on end of episode after episode of Downton Abbey or The Glades, we went to church, hanging around to visit with people afterwards, followed by going out to lunch, a trip to the hardware store and then heading home and having friends over for dinner and visiting in the backyard this evening. It was an impromptu decision to have friends over for dinner, but it was lovely! Something we wouldn't have done a few weeks ago.
Regarding food, the weekends have always been a tough one for us. We get a bit lazy and don't feel up to cooking, so this weekend was not perfect in the food department. On Saturday we got up early and drove the hour to the beach and spent most of our day there. We packed awesome food - yay for us! We packed sliced bell peppers and cucumbers to dip in hummus, strawberries & blueberries, peaches, nectarines, nuts & raisins (with a few dark chocolate chips thrown in the trail mix I'll admit!), and brought a bag of Kettle potato chips (okay in our book considering the 3 ingredients: potatos, safflower oil, salt) and water. Simple yet kept us satisfied while we played in the sand & the water.
On our way home we were beat tired from the sun and didn't feel up to cooking, which is where we let down our guard and picked up some cheeseburgers and sweet potato fries. They were tasty I'll admit, but last night I felt over-full and bloated. Bleh.
Today we ate a good breakfast, eggs with mushrooms and spinach sauteed, but decided to go out to eat after church. We went to Bagel Street Cafe where, of course, we each had a bagel sandwich type thing. Not the best. But having friends over tonight we barbecued sausages, had watermelon and cantaloupe along with a spinach salad with strawberries and feta cheese. So there you have it! Tomorrow we're back at our Paleo diet and overall we've done pretty well all things considering. Laziness is the enemy!
Our daughter is doing much better on the new schedule and we're getting out, seeing more people and doing more. I just have to make sure I'm taking care of the house also and we'll be set!
Bring it on week two!

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